Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Jurnal Agrides Volume 01 Nomor 04 Desember 2011

Penanganan Masalah Multikolinearitas dalam Pendugaan dan Analisis Fungsi Produksi Usahatani Padi di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara dengan Menggunakan Prosedur Regresi Komponen Utama

Sadik Ikhsan
Staf Pengajar Jur. Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Fak. Pertanian, Univ. Lambung Mangkurat
E-mail: sadikikhsan@yahoo.com.sg


The fact that ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis of production function is constrained by multicolinearity problem is evident.  The multicolinearity inherently exists because in production process certain factors of production are used in relatively fixed proportion.  The existence of multicolinearity causes such consequences as the estimation of unknown regression parameters be relatively imprecise and t test leading to the conclusion that parameter values are not significantly different from zero. This study aimed to apply the principal component regression procedure as an alternative way to solve multicollinearity problem on the OLS regression analysis of production function.  By the principal component regression, it was found that production factor of land, seed, fertilizer as well as family and hired labour significantly influenced the rice production. The elasticity of production of those factors showed  their existance was in the region II of production curve. It suggested that the quantity use of those factors should be increased to get a maximum production of rice. Meanwhile, the quantity of chemical pesticide should be decreasingly used because of overutilization. This fact showed by its elasticity of production which was negative so that it was located in the region III of production curve.
Keywords:       multicollinearity, principal component regression, production factor, production elasticity

Analisis Produksi dan Efisiensi
Usahatani Padi di Kabupaten Banjar

Staf Pengajar Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Unlam

Research of production and efficiency of wetland rice farming was done in non-irrigated and irrigated land in Gambut and Sungai Tabuk, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan. Selection of sites was intentionally set (purposive sampling) with consideration that the sites was the center of rice production. The study lasted from Feruary to April 2010. The study aims are to determine the productivity and efficiency in the use of production factors. To analyze the factors affecting the production, multiple linear regressions was used, followed by a test of allocative efficiency. The result of production function analysis showed that the width of ​​land, the amount of urea, KCL, and ponska, have positive effect on irrigated rice production. Increasing production can be achieved by adding those factors. Allocative efficiency test results also showed that the seeds, urea, KCL and ponska were not efficient to use, yet. As to get maximum production, farmers need to increase the use of those four factors.

Key words: production function, efficiency, rice

Analisis Lingkungan Pengembangan Agribisnis Komoditas Unggulan Buah-Buahan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Mira Yulianti

Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
Minahasa Utara has been known as center fruits producer in Sulawesi Utara Province for years. However, some problems is still faced by businessmen in order to develop these commodities, those are: high fluctuated prices, long gestation period, and land decrease. Therefore, environment analysis to develop fruits agribusiness that to be local advantages and have high competitiveness is needed. Exploratory method was used in this study. Primary data were gathered through questionnaires and interviews. Samples were taken purposively consist of: 5 government officers from Agricultural Agency and BP4K of Minahasa Utara, 3 villages chiefs, and 3 agribusinessmen. Analysis used was environment analysis of internal (IFE) and external factors (EFE). The results showed, the internal factors, which to be the strengths were: land resource, strategic location, local government policies, and existence of traders and seed breeders. On contrary, the weakness factors were: low technological use in post-harvest and product processing, fruits business management, institutional (farmer groups), and capital access. While, the external factors those to be opportunity were: promotion program in national and international events, increase in fruits demand, decentralization, horticulture development policies from Ministry of Agriculture. Nonetheless, the treats factors were: fluctuated fruits’ prices, coordination among government agencies, trade liberalization and globalization, and quality standards system. This study also suggested that: processing industry should be developed as well as fruits production and quality. Moreover, the human resources quality should be increased in terms of management, experiences and technological mastery. 
Key words: environment analysis, internal and external factors, local superior fruits


Kajian :  Pola Pengeluaran Pangan Rumahtangga Petani Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan

Sari Novita1 dan Fardianah Mukhyar2
1)Dosen Jurusan Gizi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Banjarmasin
2)Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Fakultas Pertanian
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin


The purpose of the research was to analyze the food expenditure pattern of paddy farmer’s household in Banjar Regency. The study was conducted in June until November 2009 in two subdistricts of Banjar Regency of South Kalimantan Province. Two villages were chosen from each subdistrict namely Kayu Bawang and Melintang (Gambut Subdistrict), and Penggalaman and Keliling Benteng Ulu (Martapura Barat Subdistrict). The village choosing was based on the poverty level (Purposive Sampling). The research was sample survey research by using cross section data. The samples were taken randomly. The analysis methods used were descriptive using tables. The result indicated that in Banjar Regency, the rate expenditure for food was higher than for non-food.  The rate of food expenditure was Rp 6,818.82/capita/day (52.30%), while for non-food was Rp 6,219.27/capita/day (47.70%). There were 32 poor farmer household (35.56%) and 58 rich farmer household (64.44%). The result also indicated that the percentage of food expenditure was still dominated by the staple foods (30,54%). The activity of the food expenditure pattern development should be put in priority through the diversification development as the effort to increase the buying capacity.
Keywords:  Food Expenditure Pattern, Rise-Field Paddy Farmer’s

Analisis Pendapatan Penerima Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat-Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (BLM-PUAP)
di Kabupaten Barito Kuala

Andi Suci Anita1, dan Umi Salawati2

1Jurusan Agribisnis FMIPA-Univ. Terbuka
Jl. Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Tangerang 15418
UPBJJ-UT Banjarmasin. Jl. Sultan Adam No.128 Banjarmasin
2Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Univ. Lambung Mangkurat
Jl. Jend. A. Yani KM.36 PO BOX 1028 Banjarbaru 70714


This study aims to determine the general picture of the implementation of the Direct Community Assistence-Rural Agribusiness Development (BLM-PUAP) in the Barito Kuala Regency; Comparison of recipient and non recipient of BLM-PUAP and to analyze the factors affecting income–of recipient of Direct Community Assistance-Rural Agribusiness Development (BLM-PUAP). Research was conducted in Barito Kuala Regency as one of the districts receiving BLM-PUAP in fiscal year 2008 by taking two representatives subdistricts, those are Tabukan and Mandastana. This study uses survey and interview methods directly through the technique of structured interviews (using questionnaires) with 100 respondents (50 BLM-PUAP recipients and 50 non-recipients). The average income of the BLM-PUAP recipient was Rp 6.799.670, while for non-BLM-PUAP recipients was Rp 4.299,939 and  there is a difference in income between the recipient and non- recipient of BLM-PUAP fund. Income was simultaneously affected by variable amount of BLM-PUAP funds, own capital, age, education level, experience, number of family members, and the dummy type of business. Partially, variables of  BLM-PUAP Fund, amount of own capital, age, experience,and number of family members covered  significantly affected the family income.

Keywords: income, BLM-PUAP program