Analisis Daya
Saing Usahatani Jagung pada Lahan Kering
di Kabupaten
Tanah Laut
Ahmad Yousuf Kurniawan
Jurusan Sosial
Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNLAM
Jl. Jend. A.
Yani km.36 PO Box 1028 Banjarbari 70714
Corn demand in the world and domestic
market inceases with the development of corn-based feed and food industries.
During 1990-2007, imported corn inceased 10.46 per cent each year. On the other
hand, South Kalimantan has dryland area potency which can be used for corn
farming. This research are purposed to analize competitive and comparative
advantages of dryland corn farming in Kabupaten Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan. The Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) was used to determine the
competitiveness. Through this matrix, the criterion of private cost ratio
(PCR) and domestic resources cost
ratio (DRCR) which refer to competitive
and comparative advantage, respectedly, could be calculated. The result showed
that corn commodity in Kabupaten Tanah Laut was profitable dan it has
competitive and comparative advantages. In other words, corn farming in
Kabupaten Tanah Laut was able to finance its domestic inputs. However, some
policies were needed in order to transform this competitiveness potency to be
reality, such as: reduce market distortion, encourage research and development,
and provide phisical and economic infrastructures.
Key words:
Competitiveness, dryland corn, policy analysis matrix
Analisis Keterpaduan Pasar
Buah Lokal dan
Buah Impor di Kota Banjarmasin
Luki Anjardiani, Emy Rahmawati, dan
Yusuf Azis
Dosen Jurusan
Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
The purposes of
this research are to analyse and compare the channels of the local and
imported fruit marketing in Banjarmasin, and to analyse the market integrity in
channels of the local and imported fruit marketing in Banjarmasin. The
channel of the imported fruit marketing from suppliers was continued to
retailers around the consumption centers. Meanwhile, the channel of the
local fruit marketing from farmers was continued to middlemen then to
distributors. The distributors then distributed the fruits to retailers who
sold them to costumers. Based on the market integrity analysis, it was known
that retailers in A.Yani street have higher market integration with grocers
market of imported apple in short run. On the other hand, retailers in
Kuripan market have higher market integration with grocers market of local orange
in long run.
Keywords : Local and Imported fruid,
the market integrity
The Identification of Leading
Agroindustries in South Kalimantan Province Indonesia
Luthfi Fatah dan Tuti Heiriyani
Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
have several positive roles in promoting regional economic development as well
as improving income distribution. This study is primarily purposed to
determine some leading agroindustries based on their financial, regional and
distributional aspects. Research result shows that in ten districts of
South Kalimantan Province Indonesia there are totally 17,881 units
agroindustries consisting of 29 types. The majorities of agroindustries are
large scale agroindustries. The leading agroindustries and appropriate
districts as the central locations, where the agroindustries should be
developed, are coconut oil and coconut cake industry in HSS, coffee powder
industry in HST, brown sugar industry in BJR and salted fish industry in KTB.
In addition, a further research is needed to study and formulate the strategy
to improve agroindustries’ bargaining position in facing market. The
research should also deal with the formulation of government’s supporting roles.
KEY WORDS: agroindustries,
financial, regional, distributional, leading
Penerapan Metode AHP Untuk Menentukan
Komoditas Unggulan Pertanian
Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah
Sadik Ikhsan
Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian,
Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
Research aimed to determine leading
agricultural commodities in District of Pulang Pisau. Research was done from
March to August 2010. Priority rank to determine leading commodities was found
by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method
based on consideration and normatif perseption of key informants in terms of
such criteria as: opportunity to accept unskill labours, need of investment,
intensifity, availability of production input, endogen factor: community
acceptance, accessiblity to market, price of product, absorption of labour, and
contribution to economy. Key informants’ perception is quantified by scoring
number and pairwisely compared before processed by AHP procedure. The result of
research confirmed commodities which are rubber, wetland and dryland
paddy, cow, broiller chicken, and coconut in descending order as leading
agricultural commodities in District of Pulang Pisau. These commodities need to
administrate in formal regulation as a government law so that there will tie
any stakeholders’ commitment to stick the commodities to high priority
pairwise comparation, leading agricultural commodities
Kajian Sistem
Pengembangan Balai Benih Tanaman Kota Banjarbaru
Hj. Mariani dan Djoko Santoso
Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
The availability of appropriate
production facilities, both on time, right quantity, right quality and right
price is a major prerequisite in order to increase productivity. Seed quality
is one factor for the weakness of production facilities. The existence of
Agricultural Seed Center in certain areas is an effort to get high quality
seeds. The purpose of this study is to analyze the capability of Agricultural
Seed Center in an effort to produce quality seed, seen from the opportunities,
challenges and also strategies to develop Agricultural Seed Center become more
advanced. Review of the internal capabilities of Agricultural Seed Center in
Banjarbaru covers the physical aspects; aspects of human resources, financial
resources and management aspects of Agricultural Seed Center in Banjarbaru. The
research of Agricultural Seed Center is anticipatory action in serving the
needs of seed food agricultural commodities. But the fundamental weaknesses
such as limited water resources, facilities and electrical energy are the
bottleneck of this program so it must be revamped thoroughly.
WORDS: Agricultural Seed Center, high quality seed, capability, aspects.
dan Formula Warna dari Bahan Alami Perdesaan dalam
Karya Sasirangan Inovatif
Hesty Heryani
Dosen Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian UNLAM
Jl. Jend A. Yani. Km. 36 PO Box 1028
Banjarbaru 70714
Sasirangan cloth is one of the traditional handicrafts of South Kalimantan
Province, which need to be developed and conserved continuesly. Term of
Sasirangan is a combining words form Sa means one, and Sirang which means a cloth made by sewing
and binding by hands and then pulling the yarn out.
This research was aimed to produce an inovative design of sasirangan by
combining several natural dye materials. The method was referred to the
production of several unique motifs (Figure 1) and formulation of natural dye
materials. Formula I (as a basic motif) consist of Temulawak
extract (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) and Teak leaves extract (Tectona grandis) with
percentage ratio of 80:20. Formula II was confirmed as a Tabat Barito leaf
motif, utilize mango leaves extract (Mangeifera indica), combined with ginger
(Zingiber officinale) and temulawak extract with percentage of ratio was
70:20:10 consecutively. Formula III (gigi haruan motif) utilized the mango
leaves and ginger extract (80:20). Referring to the HSL color pattern
(Hue:Sat:Lum), formula I produced a ivory yellow with HSL number was
42:255:205. Formula II and formula III delivered a young leaf green
(64:255:205) and dark green (64:255:46), respectively. In this research we used
a silk material. Quality of sasirangan was determined absolutely by the
complexity of design, which consist of quality of binding, color formulation,
fixation method, optimal soaking time, drying time, and caring of the material.
KEY WORDS : sasirangan,
tabat barito, design, inovative, natural dyes