Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Jurnal Agrides Volume 01 Nomor 04 Desember 2011

Penanganan Masalah Multikolinearitas dalam Pendugaan dan Analisis Fungsi Produksi Usahatani Padi di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara dengan Menggunakan Prosedur Regresi Komponen Utama

Sadik Ikhsan
Staf Pengajar Jur. Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Fak. Pertanian, Univ. Lambung Mangkurat
E-mail: sadikikhsan@yahoo.com.sg


The fact that ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis of production function is constrained by multicolinearity problem is evident.  The multicolinearity inherently exists because in production process certain factors of production are used in relatively fixed proportion.  The existence of multicolinearity causes such consequences as the estimation of unknown regression parameters be relatively imprecise and t test leading to the conclusion that parameter values are not significantly different from zero. This study aimed to apply the principal component regression procedure as an alternative way to solve multicollinearity problem on the OLS regression analysis of production function.  By the principal component regression, it was found that production factor of land, seed, fertilizer as well as family and hired labour significantly influenced the rice production. The elasticity of production of those factors showed  their existance was in the region II of production curve. It suggested that the quantity use of those factors should be increased to get a maximum production of rice. Meanwhile, the quantity of chemical pesticide should be decreasingly used because of overutilization. This fact showed by its elasticity of production which was negative so that it was located in the region III of production curve.
Keywords:       multicollinearity, principal component regression, production factor, production elasticity

Analisis Produksi dan Efisiensi
Usahatani Padi di Kabupaten Banjar

Staf Pengajar Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Unlam

Research of production and efficiency of wetland rice farming was done in non-irrigated and irrigated land in Gambut and Sungai Tabuk, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan. Selection of sites was intentionally set (purposive sampling) with consideration that the sites was the center of rice production. The study lasted from Feruary to April 2010. The study aims are to determine the productivity and efficiency in the use of production factors. To analyze the factors affecting the production, multiple linear regressions was used, followed by a test of allocative efficiency. The result of production function analysis showed that the width of ​​land, the amount of urea, KCL, and ponska, have positive effect on irrigated rice production. Increasing production can be achieved by adding those factors. Allocative efficiency test results also showed that the seeds, urea, KCL and ponska were not efficient to use, yet. As to get maximum production, farmers need to increase the use of those four factors.

Key words: production function, efficiency, rice

Analisis Lingkungan Pengembangan Agribisnis Komoditas Unggulan Buah-Buahan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
Mira Yulianti

Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
Minahasa Utara has been known as center fruits producer in Sulawesi Utara Province for years. However, some problems is still faced by businessmen in order to develop these commodities, those are: high fluctuated prices, long gestation period, and land decrease. Therefore, environment analysis to develop fruits agribusiness that to be local advantages and have high competitiveness is needed. Exploratory method was used in this study. Primary data were gathered through questionnaires and interviews. Samples were taken purposively consist of: 5 government officers from Agricultural Agency and BP4K of Minahasa Utara, 3 villages chiefs, and 3 agribusinessmen. Analysis used was environment analysis of internal (IFE) and external factors (EFE). The results showed, the internal factors, which to be the strengths were: land resource, strategic location, local government policies, and existence of traders and seed breeders. On contrary, the weakness factors were: low technological use in post-harvest and product processing, fruits business management, institutional (farmer groups), and capital access. While, the external factors those to be opportunity were: promotion program in national and international events, increase in fruits demand, decentralization, horticulture development policies from Ministry of Agriculture. Nonetheless, the treats factors were: fluctuated fruits’ prices, coordination among government agencies, trade liberalization and globalization, and quality standards system. This study also suggested that: processing industry should be developed as well as fruits production and quality. Moreover, the human resources quality should be increased in terms of management, experiences and technological mastery. 
Key words: environment analysis, internal and external factors, local superior fruits


Kajian :  Pola Pengeluaran Pangan Rumahtangga Petani Padi Sawah di Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan

Sari Novita1 dan Fardianah Mukhyar2
1)Dosen Jurusan Gizi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Banjarmasin
2)Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Fakultas Pertanian
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin


The purpose of the research was to analyze the food expenditure pattern of paddy farmer’s household in Banjar Regency. The study was conducted in June until November 2009 in two subdistricts of Banjar Regency of South Kalimantan Province. Two villages were chosen from each subdistrict namely Kayu Bawang and Melintang (Gambut Subdistrict), and Penggalaman and Keliling Benteng Ulu (Martapura Barat Subdistrict). The village choosing was based on the poverty level (Purposive Sampling). The research was sample survey research by using cross section data. The samples were taken randomly. The analysis methods used were descriptive using tables. The result indicated that in Banjar Regency, the rate expenditure for food was higher than for non-food.  The rate of food expenditure was Rp 6,818.82/capita/day (52.30%), while for non-food was Rp 6,219.27/capita/day (47.70%). There were 32 poor farmer household (35.56%) and 58 rich farmer household (64.44%). The result also indicated that the percentage of food expenditure was still dominated by the staple foods (30,54%). The activity of the food expenditure pattern development should be put in priority through the diversification development as the effort to increase the buying capacity.
Keywords:  Food Expenditure Pattern, Rise-Field Paddy Farmer’s

Analisis Pendapatan Penerima Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat-Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (BLM-PUAP)
di Kabupaten Barito Kuala

Andi Suci Anita1, dan Umi Salawati2

1Jurusan Agribisnis FMIPA-Univ. Terbuka
Jl. Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Tangerang 15418
UPBJJ-UT Banjarmasin. Jl. Sultan Adam No.128 Banjarmasin
2Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Univ. Lambung Mangkurat
Jl. Jend. A. Yani KM.36 PO BOX 1028 Banjarbaru 70714


This study aims to determine the general picture of the implementation of the Direct Community Assistence-Rural Agribusiness Development (BLM-PUAP) in the Barito Kuala Regency; Comparison of recipient and non recipient of BLM-PUAP and to analyze the factors affecting income–of recipient of Direct Community Assistance-Rural Agribusiness Development (BLM-PUAP). Research was conducted in Barito Kuala Regency as one of the districts receiving BLM-PUAP in fiscal year 2008 by taking two representatives subdistricts, those are Tabukan and Mandastana. This study uses survey and interview methods directly through the technique of structured interviews (using questionnaires) with 100 respondents (50 BLM-PUAP recipients and 50 non-recipients). The average income of the BLM-PUAP recipient was Rp 6.799.670, while for non-BLM-PUAP recipients was Rp 4.299,939 and  there is a difference in income between the recipient and non- recipient of BLM-PUAP fund. Income was simultaneously affected by variable amount of BLM-PUAP funds, own capital, age, education level, experience, number of family members, and the dummy type of business. Partially, variables of  BLM-PUAP Fund, amount of own capital, age, experience,and number of family members covered  significantly affected the family income.

Keywords: income, BLM-PUAP program

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Jurnal AGRIDES Volume 1 Nomor 03 September 2011

Analisis SWOT untuk Merumuskan Strategi Pengembangan Komoditas Karet di Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah

Sadik Ikhsan dan Artahnan Aid

Staf Pengajar Jur. Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Fak. Pertanian, Univ. Lambung Mangkurat


Research is aimed to formulate development strategies of rubber commodity which was reasonably determined  as one of leading agricultural commodities in District of Pulang Pisau. Research was done from March to August 2010. The strategies was formulated by SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threads) analysis. The important internal points represented strenghts and weaknesses as well as the points from external environment wellknown as opportunities and threats which considerably influenced existence and deveopment of rubber commodity were listed orderly in internal strategic factor analysis summary (IFAS) matrix and external strategic factor analysis summary (EFAS) matrix. The result showed that total value of the  internal strategic was 6.13, and total value of the external strategic was 5.97. It concluded that rubber commodity had strategic position to be continually developed. Some of strategic measure proposed need to be implemented such as: intensification, extensification, replanting with high-yielded clone, properly preparing production inputs, improving farmers’ access to financial institution, maintaining existence land for rubber, as well as maintaining and developing infrastructure to lead better market access.

KEYWORDS: leading agricultural commodities, SWOT, IFAS, EFAS

Model Persamaan Struktural Pola Usahatani Padi-Jeruk Lahan Gambut Tropikal Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Barito Kuala Kalimantan Selatan

Muhammad Husaini1), Masyhuri2), Dwijono Hadi Darwanto2), dan
Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo2)

1)Staf Pengajar Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru
2)Staf Pengajar Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta


The study aims are: (1) to analysis establishment indicators of exogenous and endogenous latent; (2) to formulate structural equation model for many sustainable farming system and analyze those forming variables; (3) to analyze the impact of farmer capacity, production factors availability, capital farmer condition, economics and physical condition, to farmer management capacity, and (4) to analyze the impact of farmer management capacity to sustainable farming system. Forming indicators are 30 variables, both latent exogenous and endogenous, and 27 of those variables can be confirmed and give significan contribution to exogenous latent variables and endogenous latent variables. Model-I, has been restricted as the best for the structural equation modelling. Parameter estimation showed that the farming capacity management to manage farming system paddy-citrus is dominant and it is significantly determined by the capital farmer condition, which is composed and contributed dominantly by source and acces to capital. The sustainability of this farming system is significantly determined by farmer management capacities which is composed and contributed dominantly by the farmer activities planning.

Keyword  : exogenus and endogenous latent variables

Sistem Usaha Tani Perladangan Gilir Balik
Masyarakat Dayak Meratus di Desa Haratai 
Kecamatan Loksado
Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan

Aan Yuliono1, Hamdani2, dan Ahmad Yousuf Kurniawan2

1Alumni Fakultas Pertanian Unlam / Pemerhati Agribisnis
2 Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNLAM
Jl. Jend. A. Yani km.36 PO Box 1028 Banjarbaru 70714
Email: yousufkurniawan@yahoo.com

The failure of green revolution has encouraged people to return to a locally based sustainable agriculture. The Dayak community has implemented this farming system, which is called turn-back cultivation, since their ancestor. However, after many years, this system has suspectedly changed. Thus, this study aims are: (1) to describe turn-back cultivation activities from pre-planting until post-harvesting, (2) to study Dayak community local wisdom on turn-back cultivation, (3) to analize ecology level which revelant to sustainable agriculture, and (4) to determine turn-back cultivation economic feasibility. The process of turn-back cultivation always through the regularly stages, which are some of them were preceded by the traditional rituals. Those stages have nature conservation/preservation values. Beside, turn-back cultivation have local wisdoms in terms of conservation/ecology, food security and socio-cultural. The ecological level was catagorized as intermediate because some activities and inputs were not suitable to sustainable agriculture requirements. Based on economic feasibily by using Revenue-Cost Ratio (RCR) criteria, turn-back cultivation was not feasible.
Key words: turn-back farming, ecology, revenue-cost ratio

Penentuan Prioritas Komoditas Unggulan Buah-Buahan di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Utara: Aplikasi Analisis LQ dan Daya Tarik-Daya Saing

Mira Yulianti

Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam

North Minahasa is known as the source of fruits production for North Sulawesi Province and surrounding. However, in its development, North Minahasa district has not determined which fruits that can be a superior products. Thus, the research is performed to determine those, especially local fruits. The method used was exploratory method. Primary data was collected through questionnaire and depth-interviews. The samples were purposively taken, consists of: 5 government officers from the Agricultural Agency of North Minahasa regency and BP4K, 3 village chiefs and 3 businessmen. The analysis used were Location Quotient (LQ) and Attractiveness-Competitiveness Analysis. The result showed that the local commodities which became the top priority for the development were rambutan, papaya, rose apple, mango and duku. The study also suggested that local government were recommended to: (1) develop the new and existing area, and (2) increase human resources, both businessmen and farmer groups, and facilitate partnership between them.
Key Word        : Local fruits, LQ Analysis, Attraction-Competitiveness Analysis

Kajian Finansial Usaha Pengolahan Gula Aren di Kecamatan Padang Batung Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan

Ani Yuliana1, Fardianah Mukhyar2 dan Abdullah Dja’far2

1 Alumni Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
2 Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unlam

Palm sugar processing business is an important source of livelihood for the craftsmen in the Hulu Sungai Selatan District, Padang Batung sub-District, because almost the entire villagers in this district there are palm sugar craftsmen. But, the continuity of their business might be not running well because there is no rejuvenation as well as cultivation of crops producing palm sap as the main raw material manufacture of palm sugar. In addition, the fuel used, in the form of firewood, is also more difficult to obtain. This study aims were to determine the performance of palm sugar processing business in terms of financial aspects, namely: the cost, revenue, income and business profits, break-even point (BEP) and the value added derived from palm sugar processing business. Further, the study also identified the problems faced by craftsmen. Results showed that palm sugar processing business has been conducted for generations by craftsmen, using traditional methods, yet still provide benefits to producers. Break-even point (BEP) could be exceeded within a week. Problems at the level of craftsmen were the availability of raw materials, wood as fuel and the long outpouring of working time for production. Processing technology that can save labor as well as business development is needed.
Keywords: finance study, palm sugar, business development
Dampak Investasi Pertanian dan Non Pertanian Terhadap  Perekonomian  Indonesia
Hairin Fajeri, Artahnan Aid, dan Abdullah Dja’far
Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unlam

The purpose of this study were: (1) analyze the factors that affect Gross Domestic Product, (2) determine the factors that influence agricultural and non agricultural investment to economic growth, and (3) analyze the impact of investment in agriculture and non agricultural in reducing the unemployment. Simultanous equation was used by involving four endogen variables and theree exogen one. The results showed that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was affected by previous year of investment on agriculture (LPR), investment on non-agriculture (NPR), workforce-labor ratio (TK1), economic crisis, time trend and previous year GDP. Investment on agriculture (PR) was affected by changes in GDP, the ratio of wages per worker with total wages, time trends and the previous PR. Furthermore, NPR was influenced by the previous GDP, interest rates, exchange rate, economic crisis and time trend. Moreover, unemployment is affected by the change PR, NPR, UMPR previous years, the time trend and previous year of unemployment.The research also found that the investment on the agricultural sector reduced unemployment more than the non-farm sector investments did. Thus, agriculture sector should be emphasized in order to promoting economic growth and reducing the unemployment.
Keywords: Investment on agriculture, economic growth, simultaneous equation

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Jurnal AGRIDES Volume 1 Nomor 02 Juni 2011

Analisis Daya Saing Usahatani Jagung pada Lahan Kering
di Kabupaten Tanah Laut
Kalimantan Selatan

Ahmad Yousuf Kurniawan
Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNLAM
Jl. Jend. A. Yani km.36 PO Box 1028 Banjarbari 70714


Corn demand in the world and domestic market inceases with the development of corn-based feed and food industries. During 1990-2007, imported corn inceased 10.46 per cent each year. On the other hand, South Kalimantan has dryland area potency which can be used for corn farming. This research are purposed to analize competitive and comparative advantages of dryland corn farming in Kabupaten Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan. The Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) was used to determine the competitiveness. Through this matrix, the criterion of private cost ratio (PCR) and domestic resources cost ratio (DRCR) which refer to competitive and comparative advantage, respectedly, could be calculated. The result showed that corn commodity in Kabupaten Tanah Laut was profitable dan it has competitive and comparative advantages. In other words, corn farming in Kabupaten Tanah Laut was able to finance its domestic inputs. However, some policies were needed in order to transform this competitiveness potency to be reality, such as: reduce market distortion, encourage research and development, and provide phisical and economic infrastructures.

Key words: Competitiveness, dryland corn, policy analysis matrix

Analisis Keterpaduan Pasar
Buah Lokal dan Buah Impor di Kota Banjarmasin

Luki Anjardiani, Emy Rahmawati, dan Yusuf Azis

Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam

 The purposes of this research  are to analyse and compare the channels of the local and imported fruit marketing in Banjarmasin, and to analyse the market integrity in channels of the local and imported fruit marketing in Banjarmasin.  The channel of the imported fruit marketing from suppliers was continued to retailers around the consumption centers.  Meanwhile, the channel of the local fruit marketing from farmers was continued to middlemen then to distributors. The distributors then distributed the fruits to retailers who sold them to costumers. Based on the market integrity analysis, it was known that retailers in A.Yani street have higher market integration with grocers market of imported apple in short run.  On the other hand, retailers in Kuripan market have higher market integration with grocers market of local orange in long run.

Keywords : Local and Imported fruid, the market integrity

The Identification of Leading Agroindustries in South Kalimantan Province Indonesia
Luthfi Fatah dan Tuti Heiriyani

Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unlam


Agroindustries have several positive roles in promoting regional economic development as well as improving income distribution.  This study is primarily purposed to determine some leading agroindustries based on their financial, regional and distributional aspects.  Research result shows that in ten districts of South Kalimantan Province Indonesia there are totally 17,881 units agroindustries consisting of 29 types. The majorities of agroindustries are large scale agroindustries.  The leading agroindustries and appropriate districts as the central locations, where the agroindustries should be developed, are coconut oil and coconut cake industry in HSS, coffee powder industry in HST, brown sugar industry in BJR and salted fish industry in KTB. In addition, a further research is needed to study and formulate the strategy to improve agroindustries’ bargaining position in facing market.  The research should also deal with the formulation of government’s supporting roles.

KEY WORDS: agroindustries, financial, regional, distributional, leading

Penerapan Metode AHP Untuk Menentukan
Komoditas Unggulan Pertanian
Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Kalimantan Tengah

Sadik Ikhsan

Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam

 Research aimed to determine leading agricultural commodities in District of Pulang Pisau. Research was done from March to August 2010. Priority rank to determine leading commodities was found by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method based on consideration and normatif perseption of key informants in terms of such criteria as: opportunity to accept unskill labours, need of investment, intensifity, availability of production input, endogen factor: community acceptance, accessiblity to market, price of product, absorption of labour, and contribution to economy. Key informants’ perception is quantified by scoring number and pairwisely compared before processed by AHP procedure. The result of research confirmed commodities which are rubber, wetland and dryland paddy, cow, broiller chicken, and coconut in descending order as leading agricultural commodities in District of Pulang Pisau. These commodities need to administrate in formal regulation as a government law so that there will tie any stakeholders’ commitment to stick the commodities to high priority development.

KEYWORDS: AHP, pairwise comparation, leading agricultural commodities

Kajian Sistem Pengembangan Balai Benih Tanaman Kota Banjarbaru

Hj. Mariani dan Djoko Santoso

Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unlam


The availability of appropriate production facilities, both on time, right quantity, right quality and right price is a major prerequisite in order to increase productivity. Seed quality is one factor for the weakness of production facilities. The existence of Agricultural Seed Center in certain areas is an effort to get high quality seeds. The purpose of this study is to analyze the capability of Agricultural Seed Center in an effort to produce quality seed, seen from the opportunities, challenges and also strategies to develop Agricultural Seed Center become more advanced. Review of the internal capabilities of Agricultural Seed Center in Banjarbaru covers the physical aspects; aspects of human resources, financial resources and management aspects of Agricultural Seed Center in Banjarbaru. The research of Agricultural Seed Center is anticipatory action in serving the needs of seed food agricultural commodities. But the fundamental weaknesses such as limited water resources, facilities and electrical energy are the bottleneck of this program so it must be revamped thoroughly.

KEY WORDS: Agricultural Seed Center, high quality seed, capability, aspects.

Desain dan Formula Warna dari Bahan Alami Perdesaan dalam Karya Sasirangan Inovatif

Hesty Heryani

Dosen Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian UNLAM
Jl. Jend A. Yani. Km. 36 PO Box 1028 Banjarbaru 70714


Sasirangan cloth is one of the traditional handicrafts of South Kalimantan Province, which need to be developed and conserved continuesly. Term of Sasirangan is a combining words form Sa means one, and Sirang which means a cloth made by sewing and binding by hands and then pulling the yarn out. This research was aimed to produce an inovative design of sasirangan by combining several natural dye materials. The method was referred to the production of several unique motifs (Figure 1) and formulation of natural dye materials. Formula I (as a basic motif) consist of Temulawak extract (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) and Teak leaves extract (Tectona grandis) with percentage ratio of 80:20. Formula II was confirmed as a Tabat Barito leaf motif, utilize mango leaves extract (Mangeifera indica), combined with ginger (Zingiber officinale) and temulawak extract with percentage of ratio was 70:20:10 consecutively. Formula III (gigi haruan motif) utilized the mango leaves and ginger extract (80:20). Referring to the HSL color pattern (Hue:Sat:Lum), formula I produced a ivory yellow with HSL number was 42:255:205. Formula II and formula III delivered a young leaf green (64:255:205) and dark green (64:255:46), respectively. In this research we used a silk material. Quality of sasirangan was determined absolutely by the complexity of design, which consist of quality of binding, color formulation, fixation method, optimal soaking time, drying time, and caring of the material.

KEY WORDS : sasirangan, tabat barito, design, inovative, natural dyes

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Jurnal AGRIDES Volume 1 Nomor 1 Maret 2011


Rahmi Aufa1, Nuri Dewi Yanti2 dan Nina Budiwati2
1Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
2Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unlam


The objective of this research is to compare farm budget of chilly in organic and anorganic practice.  Total cost in anorganic farming is more expensive than organic one, but in terms of implicit cost, anorganic method has lower cost.  Production, returns, income and net-income of organic system is higher than its counterpart which are 24.777,5 kg; Rp 257.686.000; Rp 229.125.595; dan Rp 212.447.655 for the organic farming.  Meanwhile, production, returns, income, and net-income of anorganic are 1.273,3 kg; Rp 220.710.487;   Rp 181.844.630;  Rp 170.728.690, respectively.

KEY WORDS: Chilly, Organic and Anorganic Farming; Farm-budget


Mariani, Usamah Hanafie dan Harisa Novita Yuliani
Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam


This research is purposed to learn the vegetables farmers group’s ability class performance in Banjarbaru city according to the good vegetables cultivation guidance and farmer group ability appraisal guidance. it is also aimed to learn about the influencing farmer group performance class factor and also about the problem which is handled by vegetables farmers group in Banjarbaru.
Based on the result of data counting and analysis, it is concluded that: (1)The vegetables farmers group’s ability class performance in Banjarbaru shows that all farmers group ability on vegetables cultivation is not classified as a firstrate, whereas the ability class is classified as advance (80%) and high (20%). 2) The influencing factor the vegetables farmers group’s ability in Banjarbaru
consist of: Cultivation factor and farmers group ability movements. 3) Farmers group’s problem is the limitation of financial capital, hard to have a meeting, limited field, weather condition, less of production facilities, no note and documentation of farmering, pesticides are not according to SOP, not yet use a tested and legal bio-pesticides, and also there is no clear history of filed for
one year.
KEY WORDS: Ability class performence,vegetable farmers group, Banjarbaru

Dosen Fakultas Pertanian Unlam

In Indonesia, almost a quarter of its area is swampland therefore swampland development is important.  This research is purposed to understand whether or not the cultivation of oil palm in swampland area contribute to the improvement of farmer welfare, and to understand the effect of oil palm cultivation in swampland area on income distribution and poverty alleviation in the area. This research will combine two approaches: macro and micro levels.  At macro level a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) will be utilized to investigate the impacts of oil palm cultivation on income distribution. At micro level, analyses will focus on farmers, firm owners, and traders (brokers) of oil palm plantation.  The research results reveal that the cultivation of oil palm in swampland area will benefit more the agriculture entrepreneur households and high level households both urban and rural.  Oil palm commodity is important for labor income improvement and will benefit poor farmer households compared to other sectors or commodities in the economy. Policy implications are that support should be given to production side.  The provision of input at reasonable and affordable price, extension, guidance, and research to support oil palm cultivation are some example of appropriate policy for development of oil palm.  The government needs to support farmer to be an entrepreneur.  This can be triggered through training and farmer capacity building, following by adequate support of rural micro finance that suitable and has strong commitment to support farmer initiating and running their business in oil palm industry.

KEY WORDS: Oil-palm, income distribution, poverty alleviation, SAM,   swamp-land


 Sri Astuty Handayani1, Abdullah Dja’far2, A. Yousuf Kurniawan2

1Mahasiswa Program Studi SEP/Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
2Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
Jl. A. Yani km.36 Kotak Pos 1028 Telp./Fax 0511-4772254 Banjarbaru 70714


The objectives of this research are: (1) to observe marketing channels, functions and marketing institution who involved in siam orange distribution, (2) to analize marketing costs, marketing shares, marketing margin, profit and marketing efficiency feasibility of siam orange marketing, and (3) to identify siam orange marketing problems in its channels. In this research, data were collected by interviewing 30 farmers from 3 different farmer groups. Then, by snowball sampling technique with those farmers as the starting point, 2 colector traders, 2 whole salers, and 2 retails also were interviewed. The results revealed that Sungai Kambat Village have five marketing channels. As the dominant channel, the third channel has the highest score in economic and technical efficiency. The marketing costs consist of transportation, loading and dropping, fees and taxes, and  fruit damage. The higher marketing cost was occured in the second channel while the lowest one was in the first channels. Marketing shares and margins were varied depend on cost, fruit sales, and fruit’s retail price. Siam orange marketing in all channels were economicly feasible. And finally, the most common problems in this marketing were uncertainty price, fruit quality, and illegal fees.

Keywords: siam oranges, marketing channel


Anggelina Puspitasari, Mariani, dan Luthfi Fatah

1Mahasiswa Program Studi SEP/Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
2Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian Unlam
Jl. A. Yani km.36 Kotak Pos 1028 Telp./Fax 0511-4772254 Banjarbaru 70714

Tidal swampy areas are known as fragile ecosystem. Farmers’ creativity is needed in order to transform this marginal area to be high productivity cultivation area. The research objectives are: (1) to observe the paddy farmers’ creativity level, and (2) to observe the relationship between farmers’ creativity and particular factors related to creativity, such as: education, experience, income, cosmopolity, and extension intencity. By using survey method, 60 farmers from two different areas (based on tidal flooding types) were purposively taken as respondents. The result showed that farmers’ creativity to manage their tidal swampy ricefileds was catagorized as medium level. There was a relationship between the factors of experience, income, cosmopolity, and extension intencity with farmers’ creativity level. On the other hand, a negative correlation on formal education and no correlation on informal education were founded.

Keywords: farmers creativity, tidal swampy, correlation


Suprijanto, Abdussamad, dan Masyhudah Rosni
Dosen Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Unlam


The objective of research was to develop situational leadership style model of Head of Agricultural Extension Office (AEO) in South Kalimantan Province. Research method used was survey method, which was complemented by questionnaire of LEAD (Leader Effectiveness and Adaptability Description) and maturation level. The LEAD was developed by Hersey and Blanchard in 1965 (Bruno & Lay, 2006).  This questionnaire had been filled by AEO Head and Staff to assess Staff level of maturation. Respondents were selected by using multiple-stage sampling method. To know the efeectiveness of development of AEO Head situational leadership style, had been done experiment with design of randomized pretest-posttest control group design and t-test at the 0,05 level of significance had been used. Based on the data analyses, the conclusions could be drawn were as follows: Of 222 AEO Staff, it was found that 18 persons (53%) had maturation level of M3 (moderate to high); 73 persons (33%) had maturation level of M2 (low to moderate); 28 persons (13%) had maturation level of M4 (high), and only 3 persons (1%) who had maturation level of M1 (low) . By the differences of the gap between posttest-pretest scores on experimental group and on control group, it can be said that the development of situational leadership style model was included in effective category.

KEY WORDS: Matuation level, situational leadership style, model development effectiveness.


  Fakultas Pertanian Unlam


This study is aimed to know the determinated of production and it risk of paddy farming in the irrigation and non irrigation areas with the determinants of those variables. The proposed hypotheses are (1) the factors influencing the production and it risk production are crop area, seed, fertilizer, labor, superior seed and irrigation areas, (2) the risk of production of irrigated paddy farming are lower than the one of the non irrigated paddy farming. The data used are primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained by doing some interviews with 80 randomly choosed rice farmers at two subdistricts of Kabupaten Banjar. The characteristics of farmers and the use of the production infrastructures were also observed. The analysis methodology used are multiple regression with Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and the Coefficient of Variation (CV). The results show that crop area, seed, urea, KCl and ponska influence to the production. KCl, ponska, pesticide, labor and irrigation influencing the production risk. The risk of production at the irrigated areas is lower than the risk at the non irrigated areas wtih CV of them are 0.77 and 0.83, respectively.

Keyword: production, risk, paddy, irrigated and non irrigated areas.